It wasn't until Helen became a parent, that she realised her dream of running her own business. Eager to enjoy a more flexible career, whilst spending time with her growing family, she invested in a Caterpillar Music Franchise in 2006. After 12 years of running pre-school music classes, nursery sessions and birthday parties in South-West London, Helen became the Franchisor and CEO in 2018 and now supports the network of franchisees across the UK.
Having witnessed (literally) thousands of wonderful relationships growing between like-minded adults attending my own Caterpillar Music community classes, together with the super special bonds that develop between grandparents and their charges, it was a no-brainer that I should be involved in this project. Reaching out to a wider audience of fun-loving grandparents and helping activity providers to make their classes more accessible and inclusive will prove only beneficial for local communities.